Just A Quick Word from the ULC Denver Executive Director

Hello and Namaste! I bow to you and the divine energy within you all.

As an Ordained Minister of the international Universal Life Church that fosters universal togetherness and expresses two core tenets:

(1) Do only that which is right and

(2) Every individual is free to practice their religion however they like as long as their actions do not impinge upon the rights or freedoms of others and are in accordance with the law.

1. L.I.F.E. Ideology

I am dedicated to many ideologies: religious, spiritual, practical and otherwise. However, upon receiving my Ph.D. from the University of Arizona while arriving at a variety of personally enlightening states during my continuous spiritual journey, I intentionally settled on the ideology of the societal and individual need to break down the limitations of our human ideas in order to manifest environments of freedom for ourselves and all of those we know and love.

This ideology, affectionately referred to as L.I.F.E. (Limitless Ideas and Free Environments) is now central to the Universal Life Church Denver, which was founded in 2020 to support individual religious pursuits, charitable endeavors, expansion of scientific based knowledge and the advancement of education, literacy and social mobility.

2. Support ULC Denver Causes

We invite you to join us in supporting our causes or by officially becoming a member of our congregation and contributing not just your money but your time and talents to help us achieve a world where all are welcome, all are uplifted and all are free to be the best they can be.

3. ULC Denver Contributions are Tax-Deductible

ULC Denver was founded as a non-profit organization and as a church congregation holds tax-exempt status under the United States Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). This means that any financial or in-kind contributions are fully tax deductible for you as an individual or business entity.

4. Join The Fight Today

For more information on becoming a member of the ULC Denver congregation, email us at membership@ulcdenver.org or message us on Instagram @ulcdenverorg.


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